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Your Significant Story


Hear what the authors of Telling Our Stories Anthology Volume 1 have to say about their writing Journey. 



Telling Our Stories: An Anthology of Faith Volume I


If you made a list of female heroes, it would probably include figures such as Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank, Maya Angelou, or Malala Yousafzai. You might even include fictional heroes such as Cat Woman, Princess Leia,  Shuri from Black Panther, or Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.


But you don’t need to look to the history books or the movie screen for women who are heroes. You simply need to take a look around. Every day, you are surrounded by women who are overcoming the odds and emerging as champions.


These are snippets of just a few stories you will encounter in this book:


“Tell him to fall back or I’ll shoot. I’ll shoot you and him. Tell him! Tell him, Lo! Tell him to fall back. Y’all think I’m playing, huh? I’ll shoot y’all both!” That is what he said to me while dragging me down the street.

 “The funeral procession was over a mile long.  I stood in the Vegas heat in August and watched them lower her casket into the ground.  I had a daughter and husband that needed me, but I wanted it to be me, not my sister. It would have been easier on my mother had it been me.”

 “Who am I?

I was forced to ask…

Ithought I knew,

Until I was continually questioned about my appearance,

My words, my inability to laugh on cue.

Didn’t I know you from a past encounter, or perhaps just from another day?

Because I know your M.O.,

I promise I’ve seen that disingenuous expression,

I’ve even smelled that aromatic perfume,

The one with the hint of Lavender, and a base of depression.


Under the guise of friendship… of love,

You hid your intentions,

To smother and deceive me with empty compliments,

And reel me in so that I’d succumb to your personal convictions.

 Did you feel like you were reading a thriller or journeying on a wild adventure? Well, you are not! These are real women sharing their true stories.  They have courageously stepped out of some deep valley experiences and broken their silence. They are walking in victory and ready to help others, just like you, do the same.  

Life challenges. Broken promises. Shattered dreams. Rejection. Disappointments. We all have them.  My question for you is, how are you doing?  Are you coming out of a life-challenging situation or are you smack- dab in the middle of one right now? Either way, we want you to know that you are not alone. Many of us have walked in your shoes. That’s why we’ve decided to stand- up,
step- out, and Tell Our Stories of overcoming hurt, shame, brokenness, fear, rejection, and so much more. We’re shouting from the mountaintops how God embraced us, rescued us, restored us, and loved us back to wholeness.   

You no longer have to suffer silently. You no longer need to shrink for the sake of others. You no longer have to entertain
self-doubt and toxic thinking. Hold your head up. Stand tall. Step out. Get ready for a new mindset. Get
ready to become the significant person God created you to be. We’re offering you hope, encouragement, inspiration, and strategies of how to
courageously walk away from defeat and gain strength for your journey of healing, and truly walk in victory.

This book is arranged in such a way for you to read it in numerical order or skip around to meet your immediate need for the
moment.  When you discover the story that mirrors your very own, don’t rush past it. Read it several times. Meditate on
it. Allow it to minister to you, strengthen you and affirm the new season that God has waiting for you.  And when your
breakthrough comes, please reach out to me and share your testimony at:

It is my hope and desire that our stories will stir up the story tucked deep inside of you because you and your story


It’s Your Time To Flourish!                                                                                               